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Kumtel has joint production facilities with a number of different companies in various countries.

We establish assembly-disassembly manufacturing facilities and execute turnkey projects. Kumtel has the required necessary infrastructure and highly skilled staff in CKD (Complete knock-down) and SKD (Semi-knocked-down)in order to establish CKD production facilities in over 20 countries in accordance with the country’s requirements.

We contribute to the production in many countries by sending disassembled products to our clients. We work excessively in the entire African continent, particularly North Africa, also in the Turkic Republics, Russia, and in the Middle Eastern countries.

We do ensure that our clients and business partners benefit from both transportation and tax advantages.

Kumtel carries out its large-scale projects with its mini production facilities and passes on its experience in paint shops, enamel surface coating, injection, and metal processing with its international business partners.

Our expert staff visits these well-established sites on a regular basis to do the essential inspections, training and maintenance.

Kumtel continues to grow as an organization that welcomes collaboration and shares it's knowledge and experience of CKD and SKD all around the world.